Ketamine-Assisted Therapy for clinicians in Denver.

Do you want to experience first wave psychedelics and discover how they can aid in you and your clients' journey? Wouldn't it be great to do it with colleagues vs potential clients?

In this 5-week group that takes place in Denver, Colorado, clinicians will experience 4 oral KAP sessions and 4 integration sessions using somatic parts work.

Sundays, 2-5 pm for KAP and Monday, 6-7 pm for integration.

We are currently accepting applications and screening. Group projected to begin in April 2023. Space is limited and exact start date will be determined by registrations.

Dana and John bring over 30 years of experience in the psychedelic and wellness fields. Please reach out to either of us for more information

John Sander 720.295.8553
Dana McDowell 303.241.5057


Poem: For a New Beginning


Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) group for eating disorder recovery in Denver, Colorado